Instagram Introduces Parental Control in the U.S

Instagram Introduces Parental Control in the U.S

instagram introduces parental control in the u.s

There is an equal and opposite reaction for every action and … a social media overreaction.

In terms of usage, Instagram is in sixth place. With over a billion users worldwide, Instagram has become a popular platform for posting photos and videos.

With all of the exciting social media features, it’s easy to forget about the potential negative impact that some of these sites can have on kids. Instagram recently released a Parental Controls feature to help parents limit their child’s time on the app.

To improve their image in parents’ eyes, many social media companies have started taking steps to improve their platforms, including a new feature from Instagram to protect kids from inappropriate content.

Social Media Users: Facebook v/s Instagram

Social media users are on the rise. 90% of American adults are active on at least one social network. As for which networks are most popular…Facebook remains the most popular social network, with 75% of Americans using it.

Instagram comes in second place, with 53% of Americans using it, and Pinterest in third with 26% of the market.

The world has now divided into 2 groups:

  • 1.One group that is active on social media
  • 2.And the other one is not quite active.

Active users actively share, create, engage, and converse with others on the social platform. In contrast, passive users consume everything on the site without participating in anything.

As a social media user, you can do many things on social media. But you need to understand why you should be using social media in the first place. At the same time, there are lots of pages out there that promise to teach you so many things.

You can learn a lot about a person by looking at their Facebook posts. When you see a good proportion of posts that are tagged “friend” or “relate to,” “you know that person has a very healthy social life. Many Facebook users have friends and tend to share posts from people they know and trust. This creates a positive cycle of engagement that makes you feel as if you know this person.

Instagram Parental Control

The Instagram app allows you to control who can see your child’s content and how they interact with other users. Users can report content they don’t like or violate community guidelines by using the reporting function.

Let’s examine some of the features.

1. Keeping Your Account Private

It means that Instagram gives an option either to keep your account public or private. As a private account, strangers cannot view your profile. You can add your friends and family members you know.

What’s more?
You can be a part of a private group without worrying about strangers viewing your pictures and videos.

2. Unfollowing Unknown People

You can easily unfollow or remove a follower if you catch any in your child followers list. This will help you to keep your child away from strangers.

3. Manage and Filter Comments

Followers and followers can leave comments, but you can control who can comment.

You can block comments on your child’s posts. This will help you stop strangers from commenting on your child’s posts.

  • Go to settings
  • Tap on the privacy and then tap on comments
  • Choose “People” from the block comments. Turn the toggle to the blue position next to Hide offensive comments.
  • Toggle the feature on by tapping the Manual filter next to it. Type a word or phrase to filter.

4. Mute People

It would be great if we could mute people in real life. But, thanks to Instagram, for giving this option.

You can mute people if you don’t want to see anyone’s feed.

You can do this by visiting their profile. Tap on the following, and you will see the mute option. Click on it.

5. Set Close Friends

You can set friends as Close friends. You first need to go on your profile to set yourself as a close friend. Tap on three dashes on the right-hand side of the screen corner.

You will see a close friend option tap on it. And select people you want to add as close friends.

6. Restrict an account

A new feature called Restriction allows you to prevent unwanted interactions on your account. If someone is being aggressive or negative in the comment section, you can put them on a “RESTRICTED” list.

Go to the account you intend to restrict. Tap into the three dots in the top right corner. Next, tap on ”restrict”.

7. Report a person

To make your child’s account more secure, you can report a person if anyone is posting inappropriate content. You can also report a person if someone is bullying.

Don’t worry; you will stay anonymous.

In America, a family center has been launched. It allows parents to connect to their child’s accounts and can put an eye on who they are interacting with. Including setting a time limit.

The option to share with their parents is also available.

Instagram also released an Education hub. The hub has articles and expert advice to help families maximize their use of the platform.

Instagram Addicts

Instagram addiction is society’s biggest problem.

Indeed, social media is a major cause of anxiety, depression, and stress. Instagram is the world’s largest social media network.

The social media network has over one billion active users. Over one billion photos and videos are shared on Instagram every day.

A study conducted by Dr Jeffrey C. Young and Dr David G. Tolin from the Mayo Clinic found that the number of Instagram users with symptoms of social media addiction was double that of those with symptoms of other forms of addiction.

According to a recent survey by Instagram, one in five teens and young adults struggle with Instagram addiction.

The survey of over 3,000 teens and young adults aged 13 to 25 found that 24% of teens and young adults say they are addicted to Instagram.

Parental control becomes essential for parents to save their children from addiction.


If you are trying to bring your children on Instagram, you need to be aware of what they are watching and doing.

As a result of the new policy, Instagram will now allow users to restrict the type of posts that their children can view and comment on. At the same time, this is an attempt to protect young users from inappropriate content.

Instagram is taking a cautious approach to parenting in the United States.

What do you think about parental controls? Do you think they are helpful for kids? Share it in the comments below!

Related Link:- How To Beat Instagram’s Algorithm And Grow On Instagram?

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